What Is Lip Blush?
A semi-permanent tattoo that can enhance the shape and color of your lips and give the impression of fuller lips. The pigment color is deposited with a machine to give you a subtle and natural look. After getting lip blush you can still wear lipstick to switch up your look. Some clients don't want to have to apply a lipstick or stain every day. Lip Blush is perfect for that natural look with a hint of color...add a little gloss, and you'll feel all done up.
How long does Lip Blushing last?
Lip Blush can last 2-4 years. Everyone's skin is different, so the staying time will vary from client to client. Six weeks after your initial lip blush appointment, you will go back for a touch up to fill in any light or uneven spots. Additional session are sometime required. If you have dark lips (blue or purple in color), you may need color correcting done prior to getting lip blush done. At times this can be done at the same appointment, but It varies for each client. This is definitely a patience game, but the results are worth it.
Is Lip Blushing painful?
The pain is surprisingly minimal. I use two types of numbing agents to keep you comfortable during the procedure. A lot of my clients fall asleep.
How long does the procedure take?
Plan on 2.5-3.5 hours. I like to take my time and not rush this procedure.
What do I need to prepare for the procedure?
Do not take blood thinners, aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oils, vitamin E, niacin or drink caffeine or alcohol 48 hours prior to and after your procedure. These will increase the blood flow and cause for bad retention. Also, not using these products will help with the pain. Three days prior to your appointment, scrub your lips with a lip scrub, and continue use of a good moisturizing chapstick, I recommend Aquaphor. I can provide you with a lip scrub prior, or you can make your own. Also, stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, this will help with your healed results. We want your lips as healthy as possible before your appointment. No chapped or dry lips on appointment day.
General Precautions:
If you are prone to cold sores, or even had just one cold sore, lip tattooing CAN cause outbreaks, which can result in loss of pigment and a long painful recovery. You MUST take Valtrex, an anti-viral medication prescribed by your doctor, starting 4 days prior to your appointment and 4 days after the procedure to prevent an outbreak. There is NO negotiating regarding this! Great news, you still can have lip blushing done! I just want to ensure the best results possible. Consult with your doctor for any additional questions. If you show up with an outbreak, scratch/acne, I will ask you to reschedule your appointment. Also, even if you don't suffer from cold sores, I carry or you can purchase your own (Amazon) L-Lysine, it supports healthy immune functions, and helps with the healing process. I recommend taking this 3 days prior and 3 days after your appointment.
Can I eat or drink after?
Do not eat spicy/greasy or hot liquid/food for 48 hours after your procedure. It's a good idea not to eat oily, fried, salty, or acidic foods. Do not drink alcohol, caffeine, fish oil, Vitamin E, aspirin and ibuprofen, they will bleed more due to thinning of the skin. These will cause the pigment to have poor retention. Lastly, when drinking, do NOT use a straw.
What to expect?
- Your lip color will appear brighter than it will heal.
- There might be moderate swelling, redness and possibly sometimes bruising for the first few days.
- Apply a Ziploc bag filled with water and ice for no more that 15 minutes at a time to reduce swelling for the first 48 hours or as needed.
- After a few days, there will be flaking and scabbing. DO NOT PICK, and allow the scab or dry skin to come off on its own. That's the hard part.
- The flaking is usually over by 5-7 days.
- Expect the color to eventually lighten by 50% once the healing process is complete.
- The color will change several times during the healing process.
- Color may apear uneven at different stages of healing. Allow a full 30 days for the true color to come thru.
- Be patient. This is a process that does not yield immediate results.
What should you do/not do after lip blush?
DO NOT PICK at them? Do not let the area dry out, keep moist at all times by applying the balm I give you. Do not pick at the dry skin while the lips flake or scab and heal, this will disrupt the color. I will provide you with a balm called Miel to be applied 24/7 for the first week and as needed for 30 days. Do not press or rub when applying. Apply an extra heavy coat of Miel to the treated area before bedtime, showering/washing and when rising in the morning. Do not work out, sweat or be exposed to the sun/tan for 2 weeks after the procedure. Also, no facial or chemical treatments that include alpha-hydroxy acids, Retin-A, or glycolic acid.
Botox/Lip fillers
Botox or Lip fillers should be done at least 2 weeks prior to lip blush or 2 weeks after. I recommend doing this prior to your procedure.
Cold Sores?
If you have ever had a cold sore, even just one, you must get a prescription of "Valtrex" from your doctor. NO EXCEPTIONS! Valtrex must be taken 4 days prior and 4 days after your appointment. The Lip Blush procedure can be hard on your lips and cause an outbreak. Trust me when I say "you don't want an outbreak". You will not get the desired results and risk infection.
- Pregnant or nursing
- Under 18 years old
- Skin irritations including: sunburn, rash, eczema, shingles, acne or psoriasis near the treated area
- Had botox within 2 weeks of your appointment.
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Undergoing chemo
- Prone to keloid scarring
- Used Accutane in the past year
- Sick with cold, flu or sinus/respiratory infection (please reschedule your appointment)
- Transmittable blood disease, HIV or Hepatitis
A - Actron Advil Aggrenox Aleve Alka-seltzer Anacin Anaprox Anexcia w/Code Anodynos Ansaid A.P.C. Artrotec A.S.A Ascriptin Aspergum Aspirin Axotal
B - B-A-C Bayer Bexophene Bextra Brilinta Buffered Aspirin Buffaprin Bufferin Buffinol
C - Cama Arthritis Strength Cataflam Celebrex Cheracol Capsules Clinoril Clopidogrel Combunox Congespirin
D - Damason-P Darvon Dasin Daypro DHC plus Dia-Gesic Diclofenac Dipryridamole Disalcid Dolabid Dolprin #3 Doxaphene Dristan
E - Easprin Ecotrin Emagrin Forte Empirin Equagesic Equazine Etodolac Excedrin
F - Feldene Fenoprofen Fiogesic Fiorgen PF Fiorinal 4-Way Cold Tablets
G - Ginko Biloba Gemnisyn
I - Ibuprofen Indocin Indomethacin
K - Ketoprofen Ketorolac
L- Liquprin Lodine Lortab
M- Magnaprin Marnal Measurin Meclofenamate Mefenamic Meloxicam Meprobamate Midol Mobic Momentum Motrin
N - Nabumetone Naprelan Naprapac Naprosyn Naproxen Norgesic Nuprin
O - Orudis Oruvail Oxaprozin
P - Pabalate P-A-C Percodan Persantine Persistin Piroxican Plavix Pletal Ponstel Prevacid w/Naprapac Presalin Profen
R - Relafen Robaxisal Roxiprin Rufen
S - Salsalate Saleto Salocol Soma Compound Sprix Nasal Spray St. Joseph Sulindac Supac Synalgos-DC
T - Talwin Ticagrelor Ticlopidine Ticlid Tolectin Tolmetin Toradol Trental Trigesic Trilisate
U - Ultraprin Uni-Pro
V - Vanguish Vicoprofen Vimovo Vitamin E Voltaren
Z - Zipsor Zorpin